Geronimos Photo Gallery
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Geronimo 117 had an engine failure while at a
hover with a 105 howitzer and ammunition piggy- back. Setting down it was able to avoid the 105, but not the ammunition. Art Struckman: "We flew back to Phu Loi single engine, no big deal right? You don't know how much you can miss the security of that second engine until it's gone. I couldn't fly on a Huey." |
Bear Cat, supporting the Royal Thai
Army, 1969. Photo by Paul Fretts. |
Tay Ninh East, 1969. Nui Ba Dinh in the background.
Photo by Paul Fretts. Art Struckman: "Note the black trim on the windshield. While in a fire fight with a flock of VC ducks, one cracked the chin bubble on Geronimo 116, when we replaced it there was no OD paint to be found so we painted it flat black. The Bat. Commander noticed it, liked it, and ordered 'all trim will be painted black.' It seemed like the whole world hated me and Sandy Johnson. A second note on this is you can not kill a duck with a M-60 machine gun." |
65-8025 refueling at Di An, 1st ID HQ, 1969.
Note the boiler plate attached inside the lower-half of the pilot's door. 65-8025 was later refurbished and used for training at Ft. Rucker. Photo by Paul Fretts. Art Struckman: "Zero, two five, had a combiner box freeze up in flight! At 3000 ft. the rotor RPM just dropped, and so did 025. ... the pilot pulled both engines to ground idle. When the torque let go the Xmsn freed up and they auto- rotated to the ground without a scratch." |